
News from Cermaq

In our press room you find press releases, news and photos from Cermaq


Production start at Cermaq’s new closed containment system in Horsvågen

Cermaq aims to be leading in technology development that contributes to sustainable food production. This weekend, Cermaq transferred smolt into its new closed containment system in Horsvågen.


Global leaders in seafood step up its actions for ocean sustainability

Cermaq and nine other of the world’s largest seafood companies will increase their efforts to strengthen sustainable practices in the seafood industry.


Norway’s most efficient and modern processing factory for salmon opened by Cermaq in Steigen

Cermaq’s new and modern processing factory for salmon was officially opened by State Secretary Roy Angelvik today.


Cermaq introduces fish welfare policy

Cermaq has implemented a new fish welfare policy based on the framework and recommendations in the FishWell report. While Cermaq already reports on a broad set of fish health and welfare indicators, this is the first step towards developing KPIs for measuring fish welfare as defined in FishWell.


Stable performance - sea lice challenges in Tofino area towards normal levels

Cermaq presents another quarter of strong performance on social indicators, whereas the fish health in Canada was impacted by sea lice challenges in Clayoquot Sound region.


Replacing meat with farmed salmon reduces pressure on farmland and protects the planet

Without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75%. What about farmed salmon, where a large part of feed comes from agriculture, e.g. soy. Should we all become vegans?


Cermaq welcomes the launch of UN Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business

As the first business partner and a founding patron to the action platform, Cermaq has been active in the formation of the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business. The action platform is launched today, on the World Oceans Day, at the United Nations headquarters in New York.


Cermaq presents quarterly sustainability update for Q1

Steady sustainability performance characterizes this quarter. Cermaq, the most transparent sea food company globally, continues its commitment to contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


Sustainability report 2017 and Cermaq taking the lead on ocean sustainability

Contributing to meeting the UN sustainability goals is fundamental to Cermaq, and the report presents the sustainability performance in 2017, that when combined with Cermaq’s partnerships is essential to scale up the impact of Cermaq’s sustainability activities, including a new UN initiative on oceans.