Sustainability reports
Quarterly sustainability performance
Every quarter, we publish our performance for key sustainability indicators related to important fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations.
Transparency is key to corporate responsibility. Being transparent is important for the continuous improvement of Cermaq’s performance as well as for providing the basis for a good stakeholder dialogue. This is why we are publishing our sustainability results every quarter.
Below you will find the results on key sustainability figures for this quarter.
You can find comprehensive information and performance data in our annual integrated report.
Quarterly performance
Q2 2022
Q1 2022
Q4 2021
Q3 2021
Q2 2021
Q1 2021
Q4 2020
Q3 2020
Q2 2020
Q1 2020
Q4 2019
Q3 2019
Q2 2019
Q1 2019
Q4 2018
Q3 2018
Q2 2018
Q1 2018
Q4 2017
Q3 2017
Q2 2017
Q1 2017
Q4 2016
Q3 2016
Q2 2016
Q1 2016
How each indicator is measured
Fish health
Fish survival: The welfare status of farmed fish is of interest to a range of industry stakeholders. In Cermaq, we continuously strive to improve fish welfare through a range of measures and initiatives.
Survival can be used as one simple measure to gain an overview of the fish health situation. The indicator is a rolling 12 month measure which calculates survival number for the last 12 months as a proportion of the estimated number of fish in the sea in the last 12 month of the year (adjusted for harvest and mortalities). This is to adjust for short term variations and to enable to show longer term trends.
Antibiotic use:
Medicines are a necessary tool in all kinds of animal farming to ensure animal welfare. In salmon farming, some geographical regions or companies have been able to significantly reduce their use of antibiotics over time, whilst others are relatively high users. This measure is useful to gain an overview and control of the antibiotics use in the operations, and ensure that our antibiotic policy is adhered to. We measure the total use of antibiotics divided on the biomass harvested within a quarter. We have chosen this measure as we consider that it gives the best indication of the sustainability of our production and product safety. Also this measure gives a good relation between antibiotic use and stock treated by period and provides better association between treatments and final products.In Cermaq it is important that antibiotic treatments are held to a minimum, only when strictly needed to restore fish health and welfare. Our policy for the use of antibiotics is to limit the use to cases where:
Animal welfare is threatened by a bacterial disease
A diagnosis of disease exist with a prescription of antibiotic by an authorized person
The antibiotic has a proven therapeutic effect against the disease, and
The antibiotic is approved for use in fish farming
Sea lice treatment: This indicator seeks to quantify the amount of different types of sea lice treatment used by Cermaq. Bath treatments and in-feed treatments are included in the indicator, where the most significant by region is published. Preventive methods are not included in the reporting; only treatments to ensure that sea lice levels are in compliance with regulatory set limits. A summary of non-pharmaceutical and preventive measures used in Cermaq, can be seen here. In Canada, only treatment in feed is used, while in Norway and Chile, bath treatments are most common are hence reported here. Treatments with hydrogen peroxide are not included in this figure.
Escapes: Our goal in Cermaq is zero escapes. Escapes may pose negative effects through possible interaction between the escaped salmon and wild salmon including the risk of compromising genetic integrity and increase competition in the freshwater environment. For fish farmers, escapes also represent a loss of valuable assets. Preventing escapes is a high priority and in the case of any incidents of escape, we work intensively to recapture as many fish as possible. This indicator aims to quantify the number and extent of fish escape incidents and what action has been taken to prevent recurrence, to minimize the risk of similar incidents in the future.
Sea lice counts: Sea lice represent a continuing challenge across operations in many regions. Control of sea lice in a sustainable way is critical to the future sustainability and growth of the salmon farming industry. We are therefore closely monitoring the sea lice counts in each region to gain an overview of the lice situation in Cermaq. Counts are made for each site, and the number reported here represents an average of each Cermaq operating company. The lice counting for each country is linked to the sea lice levels triggering treatment in the different salmon farming areas.
Non-compliances: Our clear goal is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in our countries of operation. The level of any non-compliances within our operating companies also helps indicate our ability to ensure that operations conform to expected performance parameters. From an economic perspective, ensuring compliance helps to reduce financial risks that occur either directly through fines or indirectly through impacts on reputation. This indicator seeks to measure the compliance with environmental, social, and product regulations in our operations. It refers to final non-compliances closed with a fine.
Cermaq employees shall be safe and secure at work. Occupational health and safety initiatives are integral parts of the Group’s risk management. The OHS challenges are differing between the operating companies. Each operating company identifies its own relevant and suited initiatives to reduce the level of injuries and absence due to illness. Operating companies also engage regularly in the sharing of best practices to manage and mitigate common challenges, including the definition and measurement of a set of common OHS indicators reported monthly to the management.
Absence rate: This indicator measures absence related to employees’ health including sickness, lost time from injuries (at work or outside work), or occupational disease.
Lost time injury rate (H1): This indicator measures injuries among our employees that lead to lost time direct per million working hours.
Injury frequency rate (H2): This indicator measures the total number of injuries among our employees per million working hours.
Lost time frequency rate (F-value): This indicators measures lost time from injuries among our employees per million working hours.