Sustainability performance Q3 on 10 indicators in three regions
- We know that our ongoing sustainability performance is of interest to our customers, local communities and to other stakeholders. Hence, we publish this each quarter as soon as the figures are ready, says Wenche Grønbrekk, Cermaq’s Head of Sustainability and Risk.

The 10 indicators published at each quarter are:
- Survival rate of our fish (Atlantic salmon, Coho salmon and trout)
- Antibiotic use
- Sea lice treatments
- Escapes
- Sea lice counts
- Non-compliances
- Absence rate
- Lost time injury rate (H1)
- Injury frequency rate (H2)
- Lost time frequency rate (F-value)
In Chile there were no escapes, sea lice count of average 0.6 lice (Caligus) after a winter coordinated treatment and a high use of antibiotics due to the disease SRS.
In Canada there were no escapes, low level of sea lice with one lice treatment in the quarter. Also in Canada the use of antibiotics was high in the quarter due to environmental challenges and SRS.
In Norway 15 fish escaped in the quarter, the sea lice count was average of 0.06 lice with lice treatment of 0.05 g API per ton produced. No antibiotic was used.
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