Robust sustainability performance in Cermaq last quarter
The quarterly sustainability results for April - June show low mortality level; for the last 12 months 4.4 % in Norway, 5.9 % in Canada, and ranging between the three species from 3%-6.8% in Chile. In Chile there were escapes, whereas Norway and Canada had no escapes.

Cermaq has published quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations since beginning of 2016.
“We believe a company which openly reports its results also has a better overview of risk and opportunities, a stronger basis for dialogue with stakeholders and a better ability to actually make progress on material topics,” says Wenche Grønbrekk, Head of Sustainability and Risk in Cermaq
The fish health performance in Q2 was robust with no use of antibiotics in Norway, and significant reductions in Chile and Canada compared to same quarter last year. Still, we aim for further reductions. There was no use of treatment against sea lice in Norway and a significant reduction in Chile and Canada compared to same quarter last year.
Chile has two incidents of escapes, where 47,500 fish escapes our operations. Both incidents were caused by holes in the nets.
The OHS performance continues to be strong. Absence rates are low spanning from 4.6% in Norway to 1% in Canada and lost time injury rate was 0 in Norway and in Canada and 6 in Chile.
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