

Norwegian salmon industry will benefit from improvements in Chilean farming

Improved biology in Chile with predictable and sustainable volume growth will benefit Norwegian salmon industry, was the key messages from Cermaq’s CEO Jon Hindar at the Seafood conference today.

Norwegian salmon industry will benefit from improvements in Chilean farming

Norway and Chile accounted for 80% of global supply in 2015, and other regions are too small to materially impact global market balance and prices. Hence, a prolonged negative growth scenario in Chile can lead to demand destruction for salmon unless growth in Norway can compensate.

SRS is the main challenge in Chile, leading to low price and quality realization and a concerning high use of antibiotics. An effective vaccine against SRS is needed. Cermaq in engaged in R&D as basis for vaccine development and is also running systematic trial of new vaccines.

- It is definitely possible, but there are no «quick fixes» for a recovery of Chilean salmon farming to a sustainable industry, concluded Jon Hindar.

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