

Complete financial reporting and additional GRI indicators are now available

Cermaq published its sustainability report in May based on the calendar year 2015. As the company’s fiscal year has been adjusted to 1 April -31 March, the accounts and BoDs report are published separately.

Geir Molvik is appointed new CEO of Cermaq Group AS

The financial accounts and BoD’s report as well as three additional GRI indicators on economic performance, are now available on Cermaq's website.

Also three economic GRI indicators are included in the published material. These are:

- Direct economic value generated and distributed

- Coverage of the organisation's defined benefit plan obligations

- Country-by-country financial and organisational data

Going forward, Cermaq will publisht also its annual audited sustainability reporting based on the financial year. In addition, Cermaq is publishing quarterly performance on key sustainability indicators, thus enabling calendar year benchmarking.

View the report here: Integrated annual and sustainability report

Press contacts

Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer


Lise Bergan

Lise Bergan

Head of Communication

+47 932 51 114

+47 23 68 50 30

Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Communications Manager

+47 924 90 676

+47 924 90 676

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