Cermaq welcomes the UN launch of Sustainable Ocean Principles
Building on the mapping of existing governance and regulations of the ocean and identifying sustainable ocean opportunities, the UN GC Action Platform now invites companies to join the Sustainable Ocean Principles for shared commitments and actions to scale impact.

Healthy ocean, healthy planet, healthy people. It's all connected! And it’s all on the agenda for the UN General Assembly taking place in New York this week.
There is an urgent need to protect and restore the health of the Ocean, which is rapidly deteriorating due to increasing temperatures, acidification, depletion of natural resources and pollution from land and sea. Businesses have a shared responsibility, alongside government and civil society, to take necessary actions to secure a healthy Ocean.
“As a founding partner of the platform, Cermaq has been deeply involved in defining the ocean principles. Today, we are proud to announce that we have endorsed the Sustainable Ocean Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, a framework for responsible business practices in the Ocean across sectors and geographies,” says Wenche Grønbrekk, Cermaq’s head of Sustainability and risk.
Cermaq was the first company to join the Action Platform and has dedicated significant resources into its work.Currently, Cermaq is co-leading the innovation initiatives where fully traceable seafood is a key area as well as integrated farming.
“Sustainable ocean is basis for Cermaq’s operations, and our strategies are aligned with the SGDs. Our approach is based on transparency, performance and partnership. Hence, it is important to Cermaq that the UN GC Action Platform now involves all ocean industries across regions to scale impact. The launch of the Sustainable Ocean Principles is a milestone,“ says Wenche Grønbrekk.
About the platform
The UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business launches in 2018 is taking a comprehensive view of the role of the ocean in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or 'Global Goals'). The aim is to explore attractive, viable solutions and best practices for sustainable use and management of the ocean.
By bringing together the leading industries in aquaculture, energy production, fisheries and shipping with key banks, equity funds and insurance companies, the Platform has a cross-industry, cross-UN and cross-Global Goals approach.
Leading up to the 2020 UN Ocean Conference, the Platform is designed to drive decision-making processes and catalyze partnerships to advance shared ocean priorities across all 17 Global Goals with a specific aim to scale up the commitments and performance of companies on this critical agenda.
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