

Cermaq - #1 in transparency on sustainability – presents Q4 performance

Fish health, sea lice, OHS and compliance are topics covered by the quarterly reporting. Cermaq is currently the world’s only seafood company to have embarked upon – not only annual but also – quarterly sustainability reporting.

One of Cermaq's farming sites in Nordland, Norway

“Our customers show a growing attention and interest in the transparency about the products and our production. Providing fresh data in the form of quarterly reporting is proving customers the best basis for building partnerships” says Geir Molvik, CEO of Cermaq.

The quarterly report confirms the picture of Cermaq’s dedication to preventive fish health and to strengthening OHS within the industry.The absentee rate is down in all regions and we continue to see positive developments in our health and safety work. The 12-months survival rate for Atlantic salmon varies between the regions from 91-95 %. The use of sea lice treatment was down in all regions, and preventive measures to manage sea lice counts show positive results. In Norway there was one escape incident with 400 escaped fish this quarter, which resulted in a total of 426 fish escaped in our operations in 2016, of which 425 fish in Norway.

“Cermaq’s approach is based on transparency, partnerships and performance. We believe a company which openly reports its results also has a better overview of risk and opportunities, a stronger basis for dialogue with stakeholders and a better ability to actually make progress on material topics,” says Wenche Grønbrekk, Head of Sustainability and Risk in Cermaq.

Cermaq was in January rated as #1 of Top 100 seafood companies in a sustainability reporting & transparency benchmark by Seafood Intelligence.

“We are pleased to comment on Cermaq’s performance as the firm has consistently displayed an outstanding level of transparency, since we started monitoring the salmon farming industry’s performance seven years ago,” commented Bertrand Charron, Editor of Seafood Intelligence.

Press contacts

Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer


Lise Bergan

Lise Bergan

Head of Communication

+47 932 51 114

+47 23 68 50 30

Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Communications Manager

+47 924 90 676

+47 924 90 676

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